Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Story From My Summer

So I've told this story multiple times so I figured I would just go ahead and blog about it.  I think this story is one of the highlights of my summer.  So here goes nothing:

Alright. It all begins at the very start of summer.  I have just gotten out of school and I am moving into my summer apartment in two days.  Me and my roommates go over to the apartments to finalize all of the details and to get our keys to move in.  This was on a Thursday afternoon.  Once we get there, the lady at the desk pulls out our lease papers and says, "Ok. Here is your one year lease agreement."    WAIT.  What did she just say?  I think she said one year lease agreement.  We had clarified with her multiple times that we would only be renting for the summer and asked if they did 3-month summer leases for students.  She said yeah it's no problem at all.  Now back to the day of the lease signing.  We tell her that we have no intention on renting for a whole year and she is shocked.  Thrown back even, to the point where she says she has to step outside.  I don't know what that lady is on but she is trippin.  Anyways, so we have two days until we have to be out of the dorms.  Well more like one and a half.  We have to find a place to stay!  For a day and a half, I was homeless.  But luckily we found a place that would let us move in on Friday, and it was cheap!  But that's where this story takes a funny twist.

So we needed a place to stay. Check.  We needed something affordable. Check. We need something in the ghetto. Wait what? CHECK.  This place is not in the best part of town.  We knew this going into it but it was only for the summer and it was affordable.

The other day I was with some friends and we were driving to a Springfield Cardinals game.  I am driving my brother's girlfriend's car when all of a sudden, I'm being pulled over.  Now I've never been pulled over before so I'm wondering what I did.  The cop says he stopped me because I failed to use my turn signal.  Dumb reason but I noticed he had a ride-along with him so he was just showing the kid the ropes.  He asks for my license.  He sees I'm from Oregon and asks if I still live there.  I told him no and that I have been living in Springfield for the summer.  So he asks for my current address and then walks back to the car.  Upon his return he says the usual, "Ok well just don't do it again".  As I'm about to drive away, he says the following words: "Oh and by the way, the place you're living this summer, not the best part of town."  "I know but I needed a place to live on short notice and this one worked out", I say.  "Ok well I understand that but just watch yourself over there ok?"  "Ok."

Since when do the cops diss where you live? haha.  This situation was so crazy and the girls in the back, who have all been to my apartment, start laughing as we pull away and say "EVEN THE COP DISSED WHERE YOU LIVE!"

So that's my little story.  I may live in the ghetto but I feel like I fit in :)  That is where I belong!  Ok not really but I'm still alive so that's a good sign.


  1. oh my gosh! Do you have a gun? a dog? lol I think it's hilarious that the cop pointed out you live in the ghetto! haha I bet you're excited to get back to the dorms :)

  2. That's so stinkin' hillarious about the cop!!! And the crazy lady who had to "step outside". Be safe!

  3. No worries guys lol. I'm ok. I may even be a little ghetto-fied now. I will be happy to be back to the dorms but not the size. So stinking small. And with rules lol.

  4. HAHAHAAHAH! :) RYAN!!! that was HILARIOUS!

    -smash lol

  5. why am i not surprised to hear that you fit in in the ghetto! j/k. at least it's good that you're back in a better area of town. hey, sorry i haven't commented on this one yet (thought i had) but then again, i've had sooooo much time since you haven't posted a new blog in like forever! :P

    ~ Kassandra

  6. You aren't surprised because I am the ghetto! lol. But yea I'm glad to be back into a safer area, not gonna lie. Ya, ya, ya, I just posted a new one so you can comment there smarty pants :)
