Saturday, June 27, 2009

Let's Give Blogging A Shot

So here I am, sitting in my room, laptop open, 2:56 A.M., not tired at all. Not even a little bit. So I figured I could just surf the Internet and try to fill my time with something worthwhile. I checked my Facebook, checked my email, went on to to see what we up for grabs today, and than I had a great idea..."How about I start a blog?" Everyone seems to be connected these days through technology. I have never been that into writing about myself or sharing status updates (thanks Twitter) but I have always been intrigued by writing and I love reading about other people's adventures in life. We all know life is hard and most the time it's extremely complicated, yet we all share some of the same experiences. So I just decided to combine my interest, and I guess you could say, love affair with writing and my life experiences. Hope you enjoy the blog and I hope to keep it up to date for those who actually enjoy reading it. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. i'm really excited about this. i love reading what you write so...this should be good for me lol. anyways, i'm excited for this to get started. love you babe.
