If you have followed my blog at all, you know that I haven't written anything on here for quite some time. I'm not quite sure why that is. Maybe it's because I never think about writing down my thoughts and feelings or capturing my recent activities on this blog. Whatever the reason, I hope that I can change it around. The fact is that I really do like to blog. It's a nice way for me to take some time out of my life, sit, and think about what has been going on all around me. Plus I know people who follow this blog back home and it's a good way for me to share my life in Missouri with all of them.
Recently I have been filling my time with work and friends. I am loving my new job at a fitness center here in town. It's a relaxing environment and it's cool to see people come in and change their circumstances. I remember seeing one lady in particular come in week after week and just watching the transformation happen before my eyes. She was losing weight, and doing it on her own. That is really powerful to me and shows that we can do anything we set our minds to.
As for friends, I am having the time of my life this summer. I am rooming with three of the most awesome guys you'll ever meet. One is my brother and the other two are on the basketball team with him. I knew the other two guys but not all that well. Living with them this summer has really created a bond between us. Also, I have had a lot of time to spend with my amazing girlfriend Brittni. She has been everything I've been looking for in a girl. We have done so much together this summer, including a trip back home to Oregon so she could see where I'm from and meet my family. It has been an incredible journey with her and I hope to continue on this path we're on for quite some time. In fact, we actually said the "L-word" last night. Yep that's right, I love you Brittni!
Well that pretty much sums up what I've been up to this summer. School starts in about three weeks and I am ready for it to get here but more excited for it to be over. That means I will be a college graduate, and I can't wait! Thanks for reading up on my life. I promise the next blog entry won't be too far off.